Brown Bag Lecture Series

The Center for Resiliency is initiating a new monthly presentation series, the CfR Brown Bags!

The purpose of the series is to highlight the current research of our faculty and students. This is a great opportunity to network with other students and faculty who have similar interest and career paths as well as present your own research and knowledge.   


Listen to Hannah Bemelen's radio interview with KVLU on the details of the Brown Bag Program. 

 KVLU Interview

We will have scheduled presentations for each date, but we are also looking for up to three volunteers to present at each event. If you are interested in presenting please contact one of the administrators below:

Teressa Robertson 

Marilyn Guidry



April 23, 2024

12:40 - 2:00pm

Cherry Engineering Bldg. Room 105, the conference room for the newly renovated Signature Center Suites, and via TEAMS. 

Facilities on campus to be discussed include the Weather Base Station, GPS Base Station and the Net Zero Building. 


Speakers & Topics

Presenters; Carla Tucker and Dr. Joe Kruger from the department of Earth and Space Science with Dr. Xianchang Li from Mechanical Engineering speaking on the topic of facilities on campus available for research. 


For more information please contact Teressa Robertson at .